viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

The witches of Pendle

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Título: The Witches of Pendle.
Autor: Rowena Akinyemi.
Biografía del autor: Rowena Akinyemi is an author of children’s books.
Editorial: Oxford Bookworms Library.
Número de capítulos: 4.
Número de páginas: 40.
Nombre de los principales personajes: Jennet y su familia.
Nombre del protagonista: Jennet.
Valores humanos: Poverty and mistery.
Palabras nuevas: Cursed and clay.
Género literario: Narrativa.
Resumen: Jennet’s life was horrible. Now she’s in Lancaster prison but she lived with her family some years. When she was a girl, her family was poor. One day, her sister cursed a man because he didn’t give her money. The man died. The people from the town killed her because they thought Jennet’s sister was a witch. Jennet’s brother and Jennet’s mother died too because they killed people and they were witches, too.
Jennet lived happy for some years with an important man. But when the man died, people began to say she was a witch and took her to Lancaster prison.
Crítica personal: It is a sad history but the book is interesting.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

I read this book too. I think the tale is interesting and mean one problem of gender and women.